Best Dropshipping Tool : Sell The Trend Review?

Best Dropshipping Tool Sell The Trend Review

Sell The Trend: are you familiar with that term? To be honest, it’s probably not! They are the newest kid on the block, and I have to admit that, in my opinion, they have excellent prospects of being the most popular kid there.

Below you will find a fantastic review that goes into great detail regarding Sell The Trend. Let’s check to see if this dropshipping product research tool will be your next choice.

What is Sellthetrend?

Sell The Trend is a product research tool that can assist you in selecting winning products for your store. Its data sources include Shopify stores, AliExpress stores, Amazon stores, and CJdropshipping stores.

The wonderful thing is that you are able to perform each of these processes on your own with all of the various tools that are contained inside them:

It’s almost as if you’re signing up for a bunch of different research tools for different products, right? You get access to all of these features within a single tool!

Awesome, right?

In addition to this, they are currently offering you access to approximately eight million different products.

An Analysis of Sell the Trend in Great Detail

Are you prepared to discover whether or not this product research tool is something that you should use in your life?

Are you prepared to look at Sell The Trend not just through screenshots taken from their website but also from the inside?

If that’s the case, then let’s dive right into my comprehensive and fantastic review of Sell The Trend!

Please be aware that I will not simply include photographs from their homepage page here. Using this method, you will be able to determine with absolute certainty whether or not you should make use of this product research tool. Take, for instance:

I will walk you through each of the tools that are included in Sell The Trend. Using these techniques, you will be able to narrow down your search for profitable dropshipping products.

In the form of a conclusion, I will provide you with each instrument’s evaluation based on my individual experience with that tool. Is it worthwhile to make use of that tool? Are there any areas in which they could improve? And this goes on.

Best Dropshipping Tool Sell The Trend Review

And of course, after all is said and done, I will let you know whether or not I believe that the money you spend on Sell The Trend will be money well spent.

A word of caution, though: this is going to be a pretty lengthy review because I’m going to cover everything that’s included in Sell the Trend.

Therefore, if you are pressed for time, just scroll down to the bottom of the page to read the conclusion!

There are several wonderful features contained within each product research tool. The Trend Should Be Sold

I’m going to start by demonstrating a few of the wonderful features that are included in each of these tools that I’m about to go over with you in the following section.

Every instrument has a favored portion of its design.

You may give us feedback by pressing the red heart in the top right corner of the page. You can continue scrolling without having to worry about finding that amazing product, store, or advertisement that you liked so much since you will be able to do so using this method.

The majority of these tools allow you to sort most of the results by niches and categories.

If you don’t have any inspiration yet regarding the niche to pick for your dropshipping store, I believe that this is a fantastic option for you to consider.

Best Dropshipping Tool Sell The Trend Review

A video walkthrough is included on each page.

If you are new to utilizing a certain tool within Sell The Trend, you will get a pop-up similar to the following at the very top of the screen:

In the event that you are unable to locate that one anymore, you can always select the ‘Tutorials’ or ‘Watch Tutorials’ button, which will bring up a video that demonstrates how to use that tool.

In addition to that, they have an entire page that is devoted to all of their instructional videos:

When I initially tried it, I thought that it was very easy to use because of this reason.

AliExpress Explorer

Do you have any idea what would be fantastic?

to view all of the trending products, rising stars, and undiscovered treasures that are available on AliExpress, right?

You certainly can if you make use of their AliExpress explorer!

As I mentioned before, you will have a wide variety of options for filtering and sorting the data. For instance, you can filter the results so that they only show products with prices above a given threshold. Or to only display products that have a predetermined minimum number of orders. You can even sort it based on whether or not the product in question has a video associated with it.

You also have the option of narrowing your search by specifying a minimum number of ratings for the product. This is useful if you only want to see products with, for example, more than 4.8 stars

What I like the most is that they show a graph with each product. This graph gives you some information, like how many orders the product had over time.

This means that you need to look for a product with a graph that’s going up!

The best products then, of course, are the ones where the graph doesn’t have a flat line, and it seems like it’s going up and up. This means that there is a demand for that product.

Amazon Explorer

As you probably know, Amazon is a great site for product research. To see what sells well.

Now you can let Sell The Trend do the boring part.

Using this tool, you will be able to see the hottest products, hidden treasures, and new stars that are now available on Amazon.

Shopify’s Storefront Designer

Within this tool, you have two different options available to you: the store explorer and the product.

Shopify’s Product Search Engine

The product explorer is the first choice available to you. This will show you each and every product that they are tracking from each and every store.

You have a wide variety of options for filtering and sorting data at your disposal, just like you do with the other explorer tools.

You may filter results using the “Dropshipping Verified” category, which is a wonderful feature. This will only show you products that can be verified as coming from shops that specialize in dropshipping, such as:

Shopify’s Storefront Designer

The store explorer is the second choice available to you. This will show you each and every Shopify store that they are monitoring at the moment:

You can filter results by dropshipping stores, which is a wonderful feature that is shared with the option presented earlier. This will only show you dropshipping stores that are powered by Shopify!

On the other hand, as you may have already surmised, they make a great deal more data accessible to you.

As you can see up there, they display you a great deal of other information in addition to the name of your Shopify store:

They will demonstrate to you the average monthly foot traffic that is received by each store. It sounds to me like an approximation. In the event that they do not possess that information for that store, you will see the label “Low Traffic.”

Best Dropshipping Tool Sell The Trend Review

They also show you the monthly total amount that the shop invests in technological advancements (such as Shopify apps). Once more, I believe that it is an estimate.

They will also demonstrate to you whether or not they identified any monitoring on that retailer’s website. Likes from either Google or Facebook.

They will also show you their profiles on various social media platforms. The final thing that they will demonstrate to you is whether or not they found any social media profiles associated with that shop. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and the like are just a few examples.

The Nexus market research and analysis apparatus

The Nexus itself. This is their highly effective machine for researching products!

This is the tool for you if you aren’t all that interested in the tools listed above or simply don’t have the time to look at each one manually because it does it all for you!

It brings together all of the tools that I discussed earlier and demonstrates to you which products are currently trendy, popular, and on the ascent.

The previous section covered all of the tools that are included in these steps now. Now, at long last, we have arrived at the final stage: The Nexus!

The conclusion of the Nexus machine for product research

I’m going to assume that you are already aware of what it is that I am going to say. This one is very fantastic!

You won’t even need all that much time to find all of the things that you can offer because there are so many of them!

I have included an illustration of one of their Nexus products here for your perusal. It took me fewer than ten seconds to locate this product, which was located under the part of their website titled Hot Products.

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The Trend as an example of a dropshipping goods to sell

When you locate a product that you like and then click on the “Product Research” button (which you will see if you hover over a product), a few things will be explained to you. Here are some of those things:

  • A large quantity of data. You will discover the most essential data elements, such as the total number of sales, the number of orders that were received, and more, at the very top of the table.
  • The various charts. This puts you in the “driver’s seat” and gives you the ability to select the content that you wish to view. For instance, you are able to view the total amount of orders that were placed for the product, which enables you to identify patterns:
  • Insights into the product This is without a doubt the most incredible part of it! In this section, Sell The Trend will assist you in comprehending all of the facts that they have gathered:
  • Investigate the retail establishments and wholesalers that are selling the goods. You are able to quickly browse through all of the stores that are selling that product here:
  • The targeting of Facebook users. Do you require some assistance in locating your ideal customers? No worries! Simply scroll down to the bottom of the page that contains information on that product’s research:

Let’s discuss the buttons that are located underneath the data.

When you click on one of these buttons, you will be taken to the platform in question. They are going to conduct a search for the name of your goods automatically.

For instance, clicking the Facebook button will take you to the Facebook Ad Library, where you will be able to view all of the Facebook advertisements that are now running for that particular product on Facebook:

Additional features available within Sell The Trend

If the product research tools that were described earlier aren’t enough to persuade you that this tool is wonderful, the company offers a few more amazing tools that will help you create the most successful dropshipping store possible.

Even though the tools listed below might not be ideal for more seasoned dropshippers (they might be missing some functions), it is important to keep in mind that all of these features are available in a single tool. There will be no further costs incurred.

Bringing in goods from elsewhere and seeing to customer demands

I’ll begin with this incredible supplementary tool that’s included in Sell The Trend. Your Shopify or WooCommerce store will be able to import products from Sell The Trend (or directly from AliExpress) with little effort on your part.

Best Dropshipping Tool Sell The Trend Review

They once only supported Shopify, but now they also interface with WooCommerce. Initially, they only supported Shopify. Awesome, right?

But that’s not all; you can also use this tool to fulfill the orders that customers have placed with you.

You read that sentence correctly; there is now an alternative to DSers available on the market!

To demonstrate how straightforward and simple the process is, I’ll take you through each step of installing it on a Shopify store. However, it is also possible to install it very easy on WooCommerce!

To begin, you will need to install Sell The Trend’s Shopify app in order to link your Shopify store to their platform and begin selling their products.

In addition to that, you will need to install the Chrome Extension that they provide. This extension will assist you in completing your orders in a timely manner (like DSers).

The second step is to search through Sell The Trend for a product that you enjoy using and are interested in bringing into your dropshipping business.

The following is some information on their import to store tool that may be helpful to know:

You have the ability to make changes to the fulfillment supplier. Even if you have already imported the product, you have the option to switch the AliExpress supplier for that product, should you decide that you do not want to utilize the one that they have identified as the best option:

Import information from several other shops. Have a look at the screenshot I posted up there. Do you see something that’s not quite right with the way the product is described? The answer to that question is that they purchased it from one of the shops that is currently stocking that item and then imported it. You should absolutely use it as a source of inspiration; having said that, it’s a significant improvement above the typical AliExpress product descriptions that are displayed.

The next step is to begin accepting customer orders once you have successfully connected your store and imported your inventory. When the time comes for you to receive an order, the Chrome Extension that you installed in the first step will make it simple for you to complete the order and send it off.

But are you aware of the fantastic development that has recently taken place?

They offer order fulfillment with a single click. For example, on DSers, you can order all of your items with just one click on a button rather of having to order each item individually.

In addition, they regularly update this functionality. Take, for instance, the fact that you can now integrate not only with AliExpress but also with CJdropshipping:

Store intelligence

Continue with their recently unveiled application that is known as “Store Intelligence,” shall we? You might have already guessed what it does just by looking at the name, but just in case you haven’t, I’ll explain this incredible new feature to you down below.

You can get a ton of information from this tool by just entering the URL of a Shopify store that you own and clicking “Go.” For example, monthly traffic, the average selling price of products, the number of orders placed each month, and monthly revenue.

Product videos

The following additional tool that they have is a direct connection to the part that contains product videos.

This one is incredibly simple to describe, and I won’t need a conclusion of this tool because it’s so great at generating ideas that you can utilize in your own work!

You can use the same filters and sorting choices with this tool that you could apply with any of the other tools that I discussed before in this section. Additionally, by selecting the play button while within Sell The Trend, you will be able to immediately view and download the movie.

It is important to keep in mind the laws governing copyright, but other than that, this will be an excellent additional tool for generating ideas or locating items that feature a video.

Facebook app that helps develop audiences

They’ve got you covered with this tool just in case you need some inspiration for the people you want to target with your Facebook ads:

You have the option to either select a popular audience from the list on the right or type your search term into the search area.

If you want to sell something in that area, they will offer you some advice on what kinds of interests you should focus on reaching out to.

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Video Advertisement Maker

If you are just starting out with dropshipping or if you do not yet know how to create a video advertisement, this is the right solution for you.

You have the option of either directly uploading your photographs to this program, or you can provide an image URL for it to retrieve the image from.

Calculator of One’s Level of Engagement

This tool is useful for Instagram and Twitter influencers, and you can use it.

It is a straightforward method for determining the rating of the influencer. Simply enter the total amount of followers, likes, and comments for your Instagram account here.

What is the price of Sell The Trend?

The cost of membership in Sell The Trend is currently $39,97 per month, or $32,97 per month if paid annually (you will receive 2 months for free then).

How to buy Sell the trend cheap?

If you are interested in purchasing Sellthetrend at a reduced cost, you may do so by purchasing the Sellthetrend Group Buy from the following link:

How to buy Sellthetrend from Toolsurf?

  1. Visit the website, and visit Sellthetrend
  2. Click on buy Choose your mode of payment.
  3. After the purchase, you will be able to get your Sellthetrend in active access page.

Is there a coupon code available for Sell The Trend?

At this time, there are no discount coupons available for Sell The Trend; but, as soon as one becomes available, I will immediately update this review with the new information!

Is there a trial version of Sell The Trend available?

In spite of the fact that discount coupons are not currently available from Sell The Trend, the company does provide a risk-free trial of their product research tool for a period of seven days to anyone who is interested in evaluating it.

The fact that you are free to terminate your subscription at any point during their trial is one of the many advantages of using their service.

You are free to try out the tool throughout the trial period, and you won’t have to worry about having to shell out cash if you decide you don’t like it.


Sell The Trend is a research tool for consumer goods that can assist you in identifying best-selling items for your retail establishment. Shopify stores, AliExpress stores, Amazon stores, and CJdropshipping stores are some of the companies whose products serve as its data sources. You will find a superb review that discusses Sell The Trend in a great deal of detail below for your convenience. I’m going to go over everything that’s included in Sell the Trend at the very bottom of this page. When everything is said and done, I will, of course, let you know whether or not I believe that the item was worth the money that you invested in it.

Each one of these product research tools comes packed with a number of incredibly useful features. AliExpress Explorer You have the option of filtering the results so that they only display those items whose costs are higher than a given threshold. You also have the option of refining your search by requiring a certain minimum number of people to have given the product a rating. This is helpful if you only want to view products that have received a certain minimum number of stars, such as 4.8 or higher. The store explorer provides you with a comprehensive overview of each and every Shopify store that the company is currently tracking.

The Product Search Engine That Shopify Offers In addition to the name of your Shopify store, they provide a large amount of data available to you, as you may have already deduced from the previous sentence. Their extremely efficient tool for conducting research and analysis on products is called the Nexus machine. It combines together all of the resources that I talked about before and shows you which products are now trendy, popular, and on the rise in the market. If you look around until you find something that catches your eye and then select the “Product Research” button, you will have a few questions answered for you. You are put in the “driver’s seat” and given the ability to choose the content that you want to see thanks to the tool that we have provided.

You are able to view the total number of orders that have been placed for the product, for instance, which enables you to recognize patterns. You can also conduct research into the distributors and retail establishments that are selling the products. Additionally, you may utilize this tool to fulfill the orders that your clients have placed with you in order to maximize their satisfaction. In comparison to the regular product descriptions that are shown on AliExpress, this is a substantial improvement that has been made. In order to begin selling products from Sell The Trend, you will first need to install the Sell The Trend app for Shopify. This will allow you to link your Shopify store to their platform and start selling their wares.

Best Dropshipping Tool Sell The Trend Review

Because you already have the Chrome Extension installed from the first step, putting the finishing touches on the order and sending it off will be a breeze for you. After you have connected your business and imported your inventory, the following step is to initiate the process of accepting orders from your customers. You may now link Shopify not only with AliExpress but also with CJdropshipping. Previously, this was only possible with AliExpress. This is the tool for you if you are just getting started with dropshipping or if you do not yet know how to create a video advertisement if you want to promote your business online. The Trend makes available a wide variety of tools, some of which can be used for product research in addition to providing access to additional resources.

There is not a discount coupon available at this time; however, as soon as one becomes available, I will immediately update this review with the new information. Research instrument for the product. For instance, what kinds of products would be the most profitable to sell, some samples of ads that may be posted on Facebook, and some instances of dropshipping sites that have been constructed using Shopify.

Is it therefore worthwhile to purchase Sell The Trend?

Is it therefore a good investment to purchase Sell The Trend? Do I recommend purchasing this instrument?

Personally, I really like Sell The Trend because it provides a lot of different tools, including ones for product research as well as other extra resources.

This tool offers a surprising number of additional features in addition to the standard set of product research tools that are typically included in dropshipping product research tools. When you consider everything, I believe that Sell The Trend is a publication that you will not regret subscribing to.

I had a lot of fun using all of the tools that come with Sell The Trend, and you can see that I made good use of most of them in the dropshipping example articles that I wrote. (You’ll be able to locate them here.)

You may be sure that you will derive a great deal of motivation from it. For example, what kind of things would be best to sell, examples of Facebook ads, and examples of dropshipping stores built on Shopify.

They provide a risk-free trial of seven days’ duration so that you may test it out. If you decide that you do not want it, you are free to immediately cancel your subscription with no additional fees!

And if you are still unsure about whether or not Sell the Trend is the right tool for you, then you can take this quiz on product research tools to see which tool is the most suitable for your requirements.

If you have any questions about this product research tool, or about dropshipping in general, please let me know by leaving a comment below, or you can contact me directly by clicking the “Contact Us” button at the top of the page!

In addition, please let me know which product research tool — or other item — you would like me to evaluate in the following post.

I wish you the best of luck with your dropshipping store, and please keep in mind that it will take some time before you see any real results. Don’t give up, ever!